

What Do We Call These Arms?

What Do We Call These Arms?

Since 2004 Folcrom has designed, manufactured and installed more than 100,000 Hospital Bedside Arms of the highest quality. When we talk to our customers or search the internet we have found that our products are known by many different names. There does not seem to...

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Cleaning the Folcrom Monitor Arms

Cleaning the Folcrom Monitor Arms

Cleanliness in healthcare has not always been recognized as important. When Hungarian doctor Ignaz Semmelweis first started telling people that his experiments having all his doctors wash their hands before delivering babies saved the lives of hundreds of women, most...

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Folcrom arms – a versatile way to aid the workplace

Folcrom arms – a versatile way to aid the workplace

Whether it’s in factories, warehouses, laboratories or design centers, Folcrom’s arms can aid businesses in a number of ways to help staff and increase productivity. Factories When it comes to factories, there are many instances where a Folcrom arm can be of benefit...

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The importance of Angle Stops with bedside arms

The importance of Angle Stops with bedside arms

When hospitals install bedside arms from other manufacturers, there is one important thing they don’t account for, and it leads to many logistical problems after installation, which becomes a real headache, causes hazards and can be expensive to fix. Folcrom bedside...

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The importance of hospital device charging stations

The importance of hospital device charging stations

Almost every citizen now owns a smartphone or tablet, and these all require frequent charging, especially in a hospital where communication becomes imperative. In the US alone, The American Hospital Association reports that there are over 35 million hospital...

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The Importance of Cable Management

The Importance of Cable Management

There are a number of reasons why proper cable management is vital on the hospital floor. At Folcrom we have taken this into account with all of our products. We ensure they not only adheres to strict hospital safety procedures but make for a pleasant experience for...

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