Wall mount monitor arms offer patients a lot of value – entertainment, communication and information. Having the arm mounted on a wall means that the monitor can be available when it is needed and then quickly put away when it might be in the way. Folcrom offers several different wall mounts and there are facilities where ceiling or even floor mounts would be more suitable.
Wall Mount Monitor Arms – Installation
In order to protect the cables, they are integrated inside of the arms, including the monitor power supply and ground connection. This significantly increases the longevity of an installation of a wall mounted monitor arm. We recently spoke to a customer in Singapore that were just in the process of replacing Folcrom arms from 2007 with our latest model.
The ideal height to mount the monitor arm would be 2 meters above the floor to enable the arm and monitor to be out of the way for the hospital bed and other equipment.
The wall mounts are of course best used on sturdy concrete walls but we have had success coming up with ways to install the wall mount on different types of walls.
Different Wall Mounted Monitors
There are several different companies on the market offering monitors or terminals that are compatible with our wall mounted arms. Over the years we have had the chance to work with many of them like JAOTech, Barco, Remedi etc. If you have not yet decided which monitor to use, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to tell you our experience from more than 100,000 installations.
Then these days there are of course a lot of people who would just choose to use their own tablet with their own streaming account. Folcrom offers that solution as well.
Patient Value
At the end of the day, no hospital should invest money if it does not lead to increased patient value. But thousands of installations have shown us that our arms and the monitors does exactly that in spades.
Bring Information to the patient
By having a connected monitor by the bed, nurses and doctors can pull up medical information like x-ray images or test results to review with the patient and their loved ones. Better information leads to better decisions which improves the clinical outcome.
The patient can of course also research and explore as needed, whether it is their physical condition or who won the last football derby.
Communication is crucial for people. Being in a hospital can be a scary and lonely experience. The bedside terminal facilitates communication which makes the patient happier and more relaxed hospital monitor arm brings entertainment
At the best of times, entertainment acts as a distraction and a golden edge on our days. Seldom is this more important than when you are in spending nights in a hospital. Whether we are talking about movies, TV or games available at the fingertips, it should be seen as a crucial part of nursing the patient back to health.